


Waldläufer-Tricks 1 – in German

  • Verstecken und Tarnen
  • Natürliches Bindematerial
  • Überwinden von Hindernissen


Description of Waldläufer-Tricks 1 – in German

Hide and seek / Natural binding material / Overcoming obstacles

Spine Text:

This book deals with three very specific survival topics:

Hiding and Camouflage:
Many animals use optical illusions to avoid attracting attention and to protect themselves. We can learn a lot from them about hiding and camouflage. This book describes how to use natural means to hide or camouflage in order to avoid the gaze of strangers.

Natural binding material:
When you are out in nature without equipment, you will always find yourself in situations where you need tying material. However, it takes a lot of time to make high-quality cords – time that you usually don’t have or should spend on more important things. This book shows what can be used.

Overcoming obstacles:
Overcoming obstacles always involves dangers. Therefore, one should know how to move in different terrain. How do I make swamp shoes? How do I get across an icy surface safely? How do I get my clothes dry to the other side of the river? How do I climb a rock face? …