



1. What is the shelf life of the food after opening the tins?

This question is not easy to answer. The shelf life varies not only depending on the product, but also on how the product is stored and used after opening. If, for example, someone is used to eating directly from an opened package by hand, the contents can spoil more quickly than if they are handled hygienically. As a result, shelf-life periods for goods that have already been opened cannot be clearly defined. But: most reactions indicating spoilage are visible (e.g. mold infestation) or can be perceived in terms of taste (musty smell, souring, rancidity, etc.).  In principle, however, the following can be stated:

Tin with an enclosed plastic lid and should then be consumed within 4-8 weeks.

2. Why is tinned bread/cheese only stamped with a BBD of 2 years?

For reasons of food law, tinned bread or tinned cheese, for example, is only stamped with 2 years’ shelf life, although it has been proven that it can be stored for a very long time. Ongoing trials with regular tests and quality controls scientifically confirm the extremely long shelf life.

Link: Tinned bread still edible after over 50 years!

Link: Worth knowing about the Shelf Life

3. How do I store my SicherSatt emergency food? Storage temperature?

  • As dry as possible
  • At the lowest possible, constant temperatures (no frost) (too high temperature fluctuations can trigger chemical processes that can lead to changes in taste and other changes).
  • No direct sunlight

5. Can I change the complete solutions according to my wishes?

Yes, we strive to find the ideal solution for every customer need. We can offer you and put together your personal complete solution/package. Let us know your wishes.

6. “Packaged in a protective atmosphere” – what does that mean?

This note means that the product has been packaged in a protective “atmosphere” (air environment). This means that the natural composition of the air is changed in such a way that a longer shelf life results. By changing the composition of the air, the growth of microorganisms or natural oxidation processes are inhibited. After opening the packaging, the protective atmosphere evaporates completely within a few moments. The consumption of food, which was packed under protective atmosphere, is absolutely harmless to health.

7. Do the SicherSatt tins contain BPA (Bisphenol A)?

No! Since the inside of the SicherSatt tin is blank and does not contain any varnish or printing ink, no BPA is present. Tins of this type are even used for baby food (powdered milk).

Infos zur SicherSatt-Dose